IMB Booth In Garmentec Fair 2020


IMB Booth In Garmentec Fair 2020

For reference: the flow of tourists to Dubai, the most famous city in the United Arab Emirates, for the first time in 2019 before the pandemic exceeded 16 million and reached 16.7 million people. In 2019, Dubai took first place in the Mastercard ranking of cities where tourists spend the most money. According to the State Statistics Committee, in the first quarter of 2022, 609.6 thousand foreign citizens visited Uzbekistan. 95 percent of them came from the CIS countries. According to the khokimiyat of Tashkent, in the first 7 months of 2022, 1 million 742 thousand tourists arrived in the capital, of which 318 thousand are foreign, the rest are local tourists.The city can serve up to 33,000 tourists per day. As Jahongir Artykhodzhaev said at the briefing, 12,000 questionnaires were distributed in 95 hotels and 16 well-known restaurants of the city in 3 months. 4789 of them received responses. The purpose of the survey is to find out what tourists want to see in Tashkent, and why they can come back here again. The largest number of proposals was received in the field of improving infrastructure, cultural recreation and services, and landscaping.


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